Find out answers to the commonly asked questions about Bartlett Tree Experts.
General Information FAQs (41)
- Where can I find my customer account number?
- Do you give estimate of tree value that have been stolen or removed?
- What is an Arborist?
- Why can't my tree be topped?
- Do you offer free estimates on tree pruning?
- Do I need to expose the root flare for vines and roses as you would for a tree?
- I'm moving to a new property where neighbors report a tall Evergreen died over months without explanation. Nearby, an orange tree and other Evergreens are showing signs of turning orange. Can you help determine why the evergreens are dying?
- We need to top our ash tree to install solar panels, which feels necessary but heartbreaking. How can I care for the wound after topping, given that most sources say wound covers won't help?
- Three of my maple trees have a black, brushable substance on the leaves and everything underneath them. They've also lost large branches before, unlike my other unaffected maples. Are these trees in trouble?
- I received two trees at a fall festival but don't know their names or care requirements. One grows to 15 feet with purple and white flowers, and the other to 20 feet with bright fall colors, though its leaves have already fallen. Can you help identify them?
- Can I stop my paper bills from being sent and instead pay my bills online?
- My neighbors want trim a large cherry blossom tree down by a third this summer. Would this possibly kill it if done in hot weather?
- What is wrong with my tree? What do you recommend? Does it need Pruning/Pest Management/Fertilisation/Removal (hazardous)?
- How often and how much should I water my trees?
- What causes those green clumps in my lawn?
- How do I pay for the work?
- I have a 14 inch caliper tree that needs to be relocated. What are the pre-moving specifications for transplanting this size tree?
- The oak tree on our lot has dark, long, hard cylinders around the smaller branches, 4-6 inches long and 1/2 to 1 inch in diameter. Should I be concerned?
- Our Soft Touch Holly bushes were doing well, but now some leaves are turning brown and a couple of bushes have died. What could be causing this?
- When should Leyland Cyprus trees be trimmed?
- Can I pay my bill online?
- Can Bartlett help me choose a replacement tree for a diseased crab apple, ideally a more mature specimen, and assist with professional installation?
- One of my decades-old maples still has last year’s seed pods on bare branches, while nearby maples are fully leafed and flowering. Many local maples appear similarly affected. Could last autumn’s lengthy frosts have killed them?
- Several of our Horse Chestnut trees are affected by Cameraria ohridella this year. Is it safe to compost the diseased leaves, and in the absence of treatment, how long before the tree becomes a danger of falling due to decay?
- Should I buy a white soire birch in South Eastern Pennsylvania?
- I received a Red Oak sapling from your company. Where should I plant it, considering sunlight, space requirements, and its projected size?
- What is a type of short dogwood tree that does not disrupt sidewalks for the Pacific Northwest?
- When is the best time to prune spring flowering shrubs?
- My 30-foot, 40-year-old Magnolia tree has wilted leaves, and the newer leaves are a lighter green. The flowers bloom but quickly wilt and die. Despite a dry winter, I’ve been watering it well. Any suggestions on what might be causing this?
- Our 5-foot landscape boxwood bush has been turning yellow in the past few days, while the nearby rose bushes remain healthy. What could be causing this?
- I have an American elm tree in my yard, Valley Forge I think, and I want to have it looked at to make sure it's okay and there is no Dutch Elm Disease on the horizon.
- I have some new young red maple trees. Do I put them in a refrigerator with or without plastic packaging until I plant them?
- My Hemlock Tree is losing foliage. The branches are bare of needles, except for top of tree. There is new growth but bare branches still remain. Can the tree be salvaged?
- We have a tree that is 36 inches in diameter. It has lost or is losing leaves at the top very early. These leaves have brown spots. What is wrong and what can we do?
- The tops of our pine trees turned brown, likely from beetles, so we cut off the damaged branches. Can you spray them with an organic insecticide, considering we have a dog, bird feeders, and birdbaths? What would this service cost?
- My Rowan tree from Bartlett Tree Experts looks tired despite recent watering. Besides bone meal, what else can I use to support its health?
- We saved 2-3 inch planks of wood from an old house, likely pine, and plan to use them as mulch around our newly planted fruit trees. Will this harm or poison the trees?
- What causes the bark to peel away from the trunk of a tree?
- The sewer authority plans to dig a trench 5 feet from the trunk of my parents' 60-year-old Pin Oak tree. Will the root disturbance cause certain death, or is there a chance the tree can survive?
- I have 100-200-year-old Post Oak trees with Spanish Moss, and I want them properly trimmed to prevent disease. What is the cost for pruning? Also, I’m looking for a Peach Bougainvillea tree with a thick trunk and at least 30-40 feet tall. Can you recommend a nursery that carries this type?
- We have two 22-year-old silver maples, and their surface roots are causing soil erosion and preventing grass growth. Can the roots be covered with topsoil and grass planted, or can they be cut back without harming the trees?