If insects or other pests are causing an issue for your trees or shrubs, review commonly asked questions below to get some answers.
Insects and Pests FAQs (30)
- How badly can OPM damage trees?
- Are all oak tree species affected by oak processionary moth?
- Can I still plant oak trees given oak processionary moth infestations?
- Can OPM be fatal to humans or pets?
- Are other tree species besides oak attacked by oak processionary moth?
- If I find OPM nests or caterpillars in my trees, what should I do?
- Where in the UK has OPM been found?
- Does anything eat OPM?
- My magnolia tree has scale. What can be done?
- Are stinkbugs attracted to maple trees?
- I've been seeing many wooly adelgid on my hemlock trees. What is the recommended treatment for this?
- We have an Aspen tree with sticky leaves and an influx of wasps and bees by summer. The driveway gets covered with a strange substance, and the ground beneath the tree looks darker. We’ve sprayed it before, but it hasn’t helped. What do you recommend?
- Is there a practical solution to squirrels stripping bark from pine trees?
- Are earwigs in an otherwise healthy looking tree a problem?
- My dog is eating bark off a tree, which could harm it and invite insect damage. What steps can I take to protect the tree?
- What is the preferred treatment for hemlock woolly adelgid?
- How would you eliminate bag worms before they hatch this Spring?
- What type of treatment do can you provide for boxwoods that are infected with leafminers?
- My Jatropha tree has rust, sticky white residue on leaves and branches, and shriveled blooms and leaves. How can I treat it and save the tree?
- My mature Bartlett Pear tree has hundreds of lined holes in its bark but still appears healthy. How can I preserve it, and should I hire a professional to prune it this fall and annually?
- Squirrels are stripping branches off my sugar maple, leaving one side thin. How can I stop them?
- What's the best way to control aphids on my lime tree?
- What is your expertise regarding the Emerald Ash borer infestation?
- Our Hemlocks were treated for Wooly Adelgid with a ground injection last spring. Does this provide seven years of protection, or how often should they be treated?
- My 15-year-old, 50-foot Princeton Elm has suffered extensive leaf damage for two years from small green caterpillars (1/2 to 1 inch long), and the issue started early this year. How can I control this?
- Do arborivitae trees attract stinkbugs? If so, when is the best time to spray for them?
- Can the Emerald Ash Beetle be controlled in the healthy looking trees?
- A large branch fell from my tree, revealing significant insect damage. How can I prevent further damage to the tree?
- I have apple and pear trees. Every year I get worms in my fruit, no matter the spray or schedule and the labels on the sprays are confusing. What can I do?
- My three 20-year-old Birch trees show signs of beetle infestation, with top branches browning and dying before fall. Can they be saved, and what steps should I take?