At Bartlett's Research Lab, we produce technical reports that lead the industry in depth of knowledge on a variety of areas of importance to tree and shrub care. Browse our technical reports below.
Technical Reports
- Air Pollution Injury
- Air Pollution Ozone
- Air-Fracturing and Pneumatic Backfill
- Algal Leafspot
- Anthracnose of Willow Technical Report
- Aphids Technical Report
- Apple Scab
- Ash Yellows
- Bacterial Bleeding Canker
- Bamboo Management
- Bartlett's Root Invigoration
- Beech Bark Disease
- Biological Control
- Birch Leafminer
- Black Root Rot
- Blisters on Oak Leaves
- Boron Toxicity
- Box Blight
- Box Tree Caterpillar
- Brown Spot Needle Blight
- Bur Oak Blight
- Canker Diseases of Leyland Cypress
- Cankers
- Cavity Filling
- Chalara Dieback Technical Report
- Cockchafer
- Common Oak Scales
- Conifer Care
- Conifer Shoot Miner
- Cottony Camellia Scale
- Cynipid Gall Wasps on Oak
- Cytospora Canker of Spruce
- Defoliation on Shade Trees
- Determining Change of Lean
- Dothistroma Needle Blight of Pines
- Douglas-fir Beetle
- Dutch Elm Disease Technical Report
- Elongate Hemlock Scale
- Emerald Ash Borer Technical Report
- Emerging Pests of Arbutus
- European Hornet
- Factors of Oak Decline
- FAQs About Pesticide Applications
- Fireblight Technical Report
- Flood Recovery Programme
- Fresh Wood Chip Mulch
- Fusarium Wilt of Palms
- Ganoderma Butt Rot
- Girdling Roots
- Growing Degree Days
- Hedge Pruning
- Hemlock Rust Mite
- Herbicide Overview
- Honey Fungus
- Horse Chestnut Leaf Miner Technical Report
- Impact of Horse Chestnut Leaf Miner
- Influence of Pure Mulches
- IPM for Landscape Plants
- IPM of Clearwing Borers
- Ivy on Trees Technical Report
- Japanese Knotweed
- Japanese Maple Scale
- Landscape Protection from Boxwood Blight
- Laurel Wilt
- Leaf Blotches
- Leaf Hopper
- Leatherjackets
- Leopard Moth
- Lethal Bronzing of Palm
- Lichen and Trees
- Lightning Protection FAQ
- Lightning Protection Fuses
- Madrone Canker
- Magnolia Scale
- Managing Trees in Severe Drought
- Massaria Canker
- Micronutrient Deficiencies
- Mimosa Wilt
- Mites and Spider Mites
- Monilinia Laxa
- MoniTorĀ® Rx IPM Programme
- Mulching Technical Report
- Mycorrhizal Inoculation
- Needle Diseases of Conifer
- Oak Processionary Moth Technical Report
- Obscure Scale
- Olive Knot
- Oriental Chestnut Gall Wasp
- Peach Leaf Curl
- Pear Rust
- Pelargonic Acid
- Pheromone Traps
- Photinia Leaf Spot
- Phytophthora
- Phytophthora on Holly
- Pittosporum Decline
- Potassium Deficiency in Palm
- Potassium Phosphite
- Powdery Mildew Technical Report
- Preparing a Shade Garden
- Prevencion de la Transmision de Boxwood Blight
- Prop System Installation
- Prop Systems
- Relative Tolerance of Tree Species to Construction Damage
- Resistance Recording Drills for Decay Assessment
- Role of Nutrients
- Root Collar Excavation for Honey Fungus
- Root Pruning
- Rose Rosette Disease
- Sanitation Prevention of Boxwood Blight Transmission
- Sapsucker Damage and Management
- Saving Storm-Damaged Trees
- Scale Insects
- Seiridium Canker
- Shot-hole Disease of Flowering Cherry
- Sidewalk Repair Near Trees
- Silver Leaf
- Sirococcus
- Slug and Snail Management
- Small Tree Support Systems
- Sonic Tomography
- Sooty Bark Disease
- Spruce Bud Scale
- Storm-Related Salt Injury
- Sudden Oak Death
- Summary of Needlecast and Needle Blight Diseases
- Sycamore Borer
- Tea Scale
- Tensiometer Installation
- Tensiometers in Landscape Plantings
- Thousand Cankers Disease
- Thrips
- Transplanting Shock, Getting to the Root of the Problem: Part One
- Transplanting Shock, Getting to the Root of the Problem: Part Two
- Transplanting Using AirSpade
- Tree Planting Concepts
- Tree Support Systems
- Tubakia Leaf Spot
- Vent Installation
- Vertical Mulching
- Verticillium Wilt Resistant Species
- Viburnum Leaf Beetle
- Vine Weevils
- Vista Pruning
- Wax Scales
- Whitefly
- Winter Injuries on Landscape Plants Technical Report
- Winter Moth
- Wood Decay in Living Trees
- Xylella fastidiosa
- Young Tree: Plant Health Care Report